domingo, 27 de octubre de 2013

Hi again! This time you are going to play. While you are playing, you should pay attention because you have to fill a table with information you find in the game. Good luck.


martes, 22 de octubre de 2013

The digestive system: play and learn. CLICK HERE


Once you have played and seen what happens when we eat, write on a paper all the vocabulary you can see here in alphabetical order. Then draw each organ next to the word. 

jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013

Let's learn more about food and nutrition. We are going to discover that there are some groups of food.
Watch the video first. Then, a second time to write why each group is necessary for us. Complete the chart in your notebook and get a star!

martes, 15 de octubre de 2013

Science4primary starts with nutrition. Today we have to begin with a video in which we will learn how to cook a delicious fruit salad. The first time you watch it, you only have to listen and see. Then, a second time to complete a chart with the information you got about some berry fruits which you will need for this recipe. Most of these fruits can be found in the forest.

Here is the chart you have to complete about the fruits.